The interest in Pinterest

the interest in pinterest
Pinterest is a fast growing social media site that possesses a variety of opportunities for businesses to increase their exposure. However, some companies will benefit from Pinterest’s format and resources more than others.

According to Mark Hayes’s article “How Pinterest Drives Ecommerce Sales”, the daily number of Pinterest users has increased by 145% since January 2012.

Pinterest is a photo board, which makes it best suited for companies that are capable of taking and uploading a large number of photos. While some photos become instant hits and will be “repinned,” meaning that the photo has been pinned to another board as well as the original board, others will not.

Many companies such as bakeries, photographers, clothing designers, television channels, florists, and websites like Etsy are capable of using Pinterest as a way to enhance awareness and generate sales. Businesses that are able to focus sales online and display their products through online content and photos will benefit the most.

Pinterest is a great tool for online companies that want to increase traffic to their websites. The source of anything pinned remains as a hyperlink on the photo itself, which heightens the possibility of driving people to your website. Linking an interesting photo to the website will not only generate traffic for the your company’s site, but might also promote your brand image.

Companies using Pinterest must be creative and willing to interact with Pinterest users. Whatever your company sells or promotes, it must be eye-catching and targeted to your specific market. Pinterest allows you to pin your photos in certain categories, which makes targeting customers in your market easier and less time consuming.

Making Pinterest work for a company depends on how frequently content is shared and repinned. Pinterest generates 1,090 visitors per minute according to Soci@l Jumpstart, which means keeping content up-to-date and useful to the user will not only help spread content, but move the user from being interested to potentially purchasing a product.

If your business is highly visual in nature you should be adding Pinterest to your marketing and social media strategy. For more information about Pinterest visit the sites below. Happy pinning!