Put your email signature to work for your business and your brand

I loved this article from Hubspot by Sophia Bernazzani entitled, “Clever Ways Your Email Signature Can Support Your Marketing.” It made me think about what else I can be doing with my email signature to promote my brand and my business that I am not already doing.

For example, I have links to my website and social media platforms in my signature, but I didn’t think to include upcoming speaking events, company news or something as simple as a call to action.  And I tell people all the time that they need to have a call to action!

Sophia also recommends sharing links to any books or publications you may have, statistics that others might find interesting, free consultation offers, links to product or training demos or even upcoming conferences you will be attending. Network, network, network!

I encourage you to take a look at your own email signature and think about how you can improve it so that it works harder for you and your business. Think about how many emails you send in a day, or a week. It’s another way to get your message out to people who you communicate with frequently or even infrequently.

Feel free to post a comment about what you include in your email signature and how it has helped you promote your brand or your business.