Is Pinterest right for your business?

is pinterest right for your business
New fun way to share images, videos and other objects pin board-style is a content sharing service called Pinterest. Pinterest allows users to create and manage a theme-based image collection such as events, interests, and hobbies. You can browse through boards and pin or re-pin them on your own board, search for what interests you and even like other users’ pins. Pinterest allows you to network and follow other friends and users with similar interests as you!

Pinterest is taking over social media. It is fun, extremely addictive and it has around 25 million users according to Public Relations Tactics (that’s a lot of things to look at)!

Think Pinterest isn’t for you? Pinterest’s largest demographic includes women ages 24-54 years old. Pinterest’s female audience has drastically changed social marketing. It is the first social market platform whose leading audience was run by women. Men are beginning to join Pinterest as well.

Pinterest becomes an addiction once users get started. You just want to keep searching, pinning and re-pinning everything. Pinterest combines two of the most compelling elements of social media – visual content and sharing who you are. It promotes an intimate feeling because you can showcase yourself by what you share and learn about others by what they share.

Businesses are also beginning to jump on the Pinterest bandwagon as a way to connect to consumers. They are able to find out what their consumers’ interests and hobbies are and target their wants and needs. In order for Pinterest to be successful for businesses, they need to put self promotion on the back burner and use Pinterest as a way to uniquely add value to their community and business.

Here are five ways that Pinterest can benefit your business:

1. Increase in Traffic
Having a Pinterest account for your business will drive traffic to your sites. By creating a Pinterest account and linking it to your website, people will spot the “Pin it” button. Now the items that you pin to your account link right to your website. For example, if you sell home décor and have an online inventory, you would pin each item to the site. When a user sees it and likes the pin, they will pin it to their board and share it with friends and followers to see. This activity will drive others to your site.

2. Targeted Traffic
Pinterest can help you develop targeted traffic. People pin things to their boards if they like them or wish to have them someday. For example, a board such as “For the Home” is where people pin furniture, dream room and décor ideas that like or wish to have. With your business Pinterest site some of your products can become pins on others’ sites and will link to your site.

3. Social Networking
Pinterest is a very easy social networking tool. It is quick and easy for your business to set up and begin utilizing Pinterest. People will share your products or pins with friends which will draw them to your site. Pinterest is a fun, quick and easy way to get your business out there in a way that is easily shared.

4. Easy to Get Started
Pinterest is very easy to set up. You don’t need to purchase software to begin using it. All you need is access to the internet. Here is how simple it is.

Pinning 101:

Step 1: Create an account on and link it to your website

Step 2: You can browse or add your own pin images

Step 3: Create a themed board such as “For the Home”, “Products I Love” etc.

Step 4: Pin it!

Step 5: Start following people or boards that spark your interest

5. Cost Effective
Pinterest is extremely cost effective. Instead of paying for “pay per click” advertising, people see your products and goods for free! It is basically word of mouth advertising that Pinterest has made viral.

Pinterest is simple, addictive and fun. It can help you grow a business; find products you would love to own for yourself; and find/share ideas for things you like. With its users totaling over 25 million, Pinterest has a tremendous following with images, videos and other objects that can be explored.

What are your thoughts on Pinterest? Do you think that Pinterest is just a passing fad or do you think that it is here to stay? Do you think the “Pin it” button will become as universal as the “Like” button?