When it pays to zig, instead of zag

when it pays to zig instead of zag
Buying a house is a major purchase for a lot of people. The reason why many people buy a home, despite being tied down to a mortgage for 20 odd years, is not just to have a place to call their own, but also because a house is believed to be an asset. Yet, the co-author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki says that your house is not an asset.

Your house isn’t an asset! Egads, what’s next? (Will plastics become a menace to society?)

What is the point of this? There is more than one side to every story. While people in the media tend to latch on to trends, they do get tired of reporting the same thing over and over. Presenting the “other side” can set you apart and increase your chances of getting press coverage.

The best way to do that is to show, not just tell. Taking Kiyosaki as an example, there is a video of him on his website explaining why he believes a house is not an asset. Yes, the idea is shocking and it goes against all conventional wisdom. After all, people invest so much in their homes, how can something so valuable not be an asset? Kiyosaki explains why a house is not an asset in easy to understand terms in the video, so the shock value goes away and what remains is worthy of press coverage.

While you don’t have to go as far as putting up a video on a website, you do need to back up your statement with fact. You don’t have to do what everyone else is doing in order to get press coverage. If you can demonstrate why X is good while everyone else is singing the praises of Y, it can lead to press coverage.

Just remember, use plastics wisely and recycle them wherever possible.

(Note: The mention of Rich Dad, Poor Dad and the link to the website is for informational purposes. It is not an endorsement of Rich Dad, Poor Dad or any of Kiyosaki’s products or services.)