How to Get More Followers: Tips & Tricks

how to get more followers: tips and tricks
It is important to make an effort to gain new followers on all of your social media platforms. Not only is it rewarding to know that people are interested in you or your organization, but it helps you build brand awareness for your business. So how can you gain more followers?

Here are few tips and tricks to help you gain followers and grow and promote your company or brand.

1. Use other social media platforms.
Connect your social media profiles so your followers on those platforms can follow you on all of your others.

2. Promote your posts.
Invite followers to contribute to some of your posts. The posts they contribute to will appear on their social media pages, giving the post more exposure.

3. Follow likeminded people in the business
Surround yourself with a network of people that value your brand and expertise, so you can become an influencer among them.

4.  Share frequently
Don’t let weeks pass between posts and tweets; try to maintain consistency with your posts.

5. Provide education and information
When you offer content that is useful and informative to people, you will then become known as an authority, which will help increase retweets and shares.

6. Remember entertainment value
Adding a little humor and lightheartedness can go a long way towards humanizing your brand. People will feel like they can relate more to you and your company, which helps develop a better relationship with your followers and customers.

7. Add some inspiration
Including inspiring quotes, photos, or video can help make your brand feel less commercial and get more shares.

8. Offer an exclusive
Whether it is a deal only offered on one of your social media platforms or an inside look at someone, people like feeling like they are in the inner circle and special by being “in the know” or getting exclusive access to information, discounts, programs, etc.

9. Be responsive
Be sure to respond to others in your networks and keep up the dialogue. Reciprocating is key.

10. Perfect your profile
 Perfecting your profile can help you gain followers. Fill out the “About” section and give people a brief description of yourself or your business. Include a link to your website. Upload a profile photo, preferably a professional headshot; people are more likely to follow a real person, so avoid icons and logos.

11. Promote your social media platforms
Make sure you promote your social media platforms so people know you are out there and where to find you. Promote in your emails, store or business window, on your business cards, advertisements, marketing materials, at events and even in conversation!

Social media is crucial to growing and gaining customers for your business. There are many more strategies and tricks to gaining followers. What strategies do you use to boost your following on your social media?