How to build trust with members of the media

Late last year, Sports Illustrated’s reputation took a hit when it published AI-generated content and presented it as if it were written by a human. When asked about it, Sports Illustrated at first said nothing.  Next it deleted the content and issued a statement, blaming a contractor for stating that its content was made by…

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Under the Glare of Not-So-Positive Spotlight

under the glare of not-so-positive spotlight

There may be a time when you are confronted with an unflattering article. Bad press can sometimes end up hurting your business reputation and affect relationships between your company and your clientele. When assessing options for dealing with negative press, there are three approaches to consider. While there is no set formula for managing bad press, a company that…

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What journalists find newsworthy

what journalists find newsworthy

Many companies lose perspective when deciding what is newsworthy and what is not. While your president or CEO may feel that certain information is newsworthy, it may not be to those outside the company. Businesses must learn recognize what is newsworthy to others and what is only news to that particular business. Here are a…

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These Things Take Time

these things take time

Remember waiting for a special meal, like the Thanksgiving turkey, to finish cooking? If you were impatient or hungry or both, you might have asked, “Is it done, yet?” to which your mother replied, “No, these things take time.” Public relations is like cooking a Thanksgiving turkey. You can’t just email a few reporters your press releaseand upload…

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If you are going to help a reporter, remember to be helpful!

if you are going to help a reporter remember to be helpful

In my daily PR Breakfast Club email, Linzy Roussel Cotaya shared some great insights into working withHARO (Help a Reporter Out). I would like to share Linzy’s article with you. **** Help a Reporter, as it says was designed to be helpful to both the PR pro and the reporter. I know that as a PR pro I have scored…

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