Improve Communication For Better Business

improving client communication for better business

Plan A Communication Strategy For Your Client When was the last time you spoke with your clients about their satisfaction? Active and continuous communication leads to an improved client experience and communication strategies play an integral role in business success. When you establish open communication with your clients, you are able to better understand their needs, which…

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Best Practices for Distributing Press Releases

best practices for distributing press releases

There are many different outlets for sharing a firm or organization’s news and information, from corporate websites to newspaper ads and social media. Even though there are many new types of outlets for sharing information, a vast majority of companies are still issuing press releases. Why? Mostly because press releases are a real-time, effective way to…

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PR lessons via old television shows

pr lessons via old television shows

Remember the old television show, Bewitched? Darrin, Samantha’s husband, and his boss Larry worked at the advertising agency McMann & Tate. Actually, worked is a relative term since all they seemed to do was throw around ideas for slogans. In all the years I watched the show, I never saw any characters do market research or…

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