Do you need to think inside or outside the box?

A phrase that is used a lot in business is “Think outside the box.”  The phrase is usually meant to encourage creative problem solving. While I’m all for using creativity to solve problems in business, the trouble can come when you think you need to come up with new ideas all the time.  The “box”…

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Making the most of Zoom

Thanks to the coronavirus, Zoom and other video-conference calls are a common occurrence and seeing yourself on a monitor can evoke feelings ranging from “Is my face really that pale?”  to “Yikes, the camera really does add 10 pounds!” The good news is, you don’t have to resort to tanning sessions or extreme dieting to…

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Navigating Remote Work.

The coronavirus lock-down has led to many changes.  Eating in restaurants has been severely curtailed.  Gathering with friends and loved ones at each other’s homes in large numbers is a no-no.  Handshakes and kisses, forget about it.  Of course, the biggest change is the growth in remote work.  My associate and I have been working…

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Freedom of Speech, Not Freedom from Consequences

October 19-25 is set aside as Free Speech Week.  It was started in 2005 as a way to raise awareness of the importance of both freedom of speech and of the press in a democracy.  Of course, there are many who say that freedom of speech is being curtailed in 2020 with social media sites…

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Business Goes On—Even In A Pandemic

If your business location is temporarily closed due to Covid-19, find alternative ways to deliver your products or services.

To say that the coronavirus has brought about change is an understatement. Businesses big and small have had to re-adjust to working remotely and reaching out to their customers at a time when normal routines have been upended. Still, how did they manage to do it without sounding opportunistic?  Wheaton College, a liberal arts college…

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How should you use social media?

Social media is not just for teens, tweens and millennials. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and SnapChat can be appropriate for many types of businesses, as they allow for two-way communication with your customers. Social media also provides you with the opportunity to share visual elements of your business with photos and/or videos…

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How Not to Cause Death by PowerPoint

Public speaking is a great way to build credibility with your target audiences, whether they are customers/clients, prospects or even referral sources. If you are like me, you find it helpful to have slides to refer to in your presentation.  I am not an “off the cuff” kind of girl! One of the easiest platforms…

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Take Time To Smell The Roses

My associate once worked in the development department of a healthcare system and her department was next door to the finance department.  One day someone in the finance department commented to her and her boss, “I don’t know how you two do it, writing all that stuff and planning all those events.”  “Well,” her boss…

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Navigating the Not-So Friendly Skies

To say that United Airlines looked bad after the fiasco with the passenger who refused to get off a plane to make room for United employees is an understatement. Just two weeks before, there was an incident were two girls who were barred from boarding a flight because they were wearing leggings. Granted, the unexpected…

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Advice to Entrepreneurs from Entrepreneurs

As any business owner knows, running a business isn’t easy. There are a million-and-one things to do and for small businesses in particular, there may only be one person to do them, namely the business owner.  Still, it is important to learn how other entrepreneurs meet the challenges in their respective businesses. Recently, I was…

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Rio Fails PR For Olympics 2016

Rio Olympics

Don’t Let Viral Media Control Your Public Image Emergency responders made their message clear to 2016 Olympic visitors: “Welcome to Hell”. The sign that went viral during the Rio Olympic Games was not the only message that prompted visitors to leave. As the Zika virus caused athletes to withdraw from the games, the city lost…

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