Pitching the media (and I don’t mean baseball)
An article in Ragan’s PR Daily discusses when to contact reporters with story ideas. The article quoted television and newspaper reporters who...
Jargon isn’t conducive to news coverage; you won’t get press with big words
I read something on Ragan’s PR Daily about the 10 signs of a horrendous press release. If you are interested,...
What makes you so special?
My assistant told me that she helped her 7-year-old nephew with a writing assignment over the weekend. The assignment involved...
What Does it Take to Make Your Event a Success?
If you work in PR, sooner or later, (most likely sooner than you would like) you will have to put together...
These Things Take Time
Remember waiting for a special meal, like the Thanksgiving turkey, to finish cooking? If you were impatient or hungry or...
If you are going to help a reporter, remember to be helpful!
In my daily PR Breakfast Club email, Linzy Roussel Cotaya shared some great insights into working withHARO (Help a Reporter Out). I would like to...