First do your work, then take time to play
Surfing the web. Scrolling through your social media news feed. Watching television. Going to the kitchen for a snack.
What do these things have in common? They are all things we have done when we are supposed to be working. Since the pandemic started, many of us are working from home, so it is easy to get sidetracked during working hours. After all, there’s no boss looking over our shoulder to make sure the work is getting done. For many people that is one of the perks of working from home. For others, it can be problematic because there is little accountability. Yet there are ways to help yourself to be more productive during the work day.
To Do List
Creating something as simple as a To Do List on your desk or phone can help you organize your day so you can complete the tasks at hand. Having a To Do List helps reduce the likelihood of you forgetting to do something because the task is on your list. A To Do List can help reduce stress because you don’t have to keep reminding yourself of all the tasks that you need to do. Or lay in bed at night hoping you don’t forget to do something important. (I may have done this a few times before I became good at making lists) If the tasks are written down, you’ll also have the satisfaction of crossing off a completed item on the list. I do love to check things off of a list!
Do the Biggest/Most Time-Consuming Tasks First
Try to tackle the most time-consuming tasks first thing in the morning when your mind is fresh and before other distractions come along. Working on the hard stuff first is rewarding because once these tasks are completed, your other tasks will seem easier by comparison.
Put a Time Limit on Tasks
Try putting a time limit on each task. If two hours seems like too much, set a limit of one hour per task. When the hour is up, move on to the next task. Once you are finished with your tasks for the day, go back to the items that you weren’t able to complete and work on them. This will help you to move through your To Do List and help keep you from getting stuck on any one particular task.
Reward Yourself
When you have finished your work tasks, find a way to reward yourself. It can be a snack, going for an afternoon walk or something else you enjoy. Having a reward can give you something to look forward to and help you work more effectively. A reward can give you that extra push when you are flagging, so be sure to reward yourself for a job well done.
Work isn’t always interesting and sometimes it can take superhero efforts to get through the day. That’s where these productivity tips come in. After all, as fun as it is for me to watch my cats play during the day, my client work comes first.
Now that I have finished my tasks for the day, it’s time for some kitty cuddles.